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Prof. Will Fairbanks

Associate Professor of Music
Director of Bands/Assoc. Prof of Music


MDiv Boston University, School of Theology; MM Stephen F. Austin State University
BMEd West Texas State University;


I have been a band director in high school and college programs for over 30 years. The previous two include the last 4 years at Weatherford High School and Greenville University in Illinois the 10 years prior to that. I am married to Heather Fairbanks (who also works at SNU) and we have 5 kids, the youngest two whom you may see often since they love hanging around the band hall and band members! I also have an MDiv and have served several churches as a pastor and have filled in as a supply preacher on multiple occasions. In addition to music, our family loves doing things together (family is very important to us), being outside (helpful for marching band) and we do a lot with alpacas.

Hobbies and Fun Fact:
I enjoy woodworking and building projects with my son. My family and I work with and show alpacas on a regular basis.